
12 Grimmauld Place

Mystic Cards

TaiInu Youkai

Trading Academy





12 Grimmauld Place

Mystic Cards

TaiInu Youkai

Trading Academy






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12 Gimmauld Place

 # of Cards: 155

 Date: 8/29/05

 Got my starter pack ( Brainy01, 07, and 14, Sorting Hat16, Sirius13, Albus16, Dobby19, Lucius20, Shack05, KB04)

 Won Brainy16 (Trivia)

 Won one Galleon, Brainy02, Brainy20, and Emma14 (Match Game)

 Won Potter11 and Sorting Hat04 (Flipendo)

 Won two galleons and Hermione Snap  (Difindo)

 Won Sorting Hat02, Granger16, one sickle, and Puzzle41  (Hard Puzzle Tournament)

 Won Puzzle42 and Brainy11  (Hard Puzzle Tournament)

 Won Puzzle43, Sorting Hat01, and Sorting Hat10  (Hard Puzzle Tournament)

 Won Puzzle44, Brainy19, and

 Won Riddle08 and 12 (Guess Who)

 Got Layout05 from an update.

 Won Hero06, two knuts, and two sickels.

 Got Detail10 for leveling up ^_^

 Date: 9/1/05

 Got Brainy03 from an update.

 I won Brainy04 and 05 (Pin the tail on Mrs. Norris)

 Won Birthday01, Favor01, and Pary01 for attending Casandra's B-day party.

 Won Sorting Hat03 and Time Turner01 (Piņata)

 Date; 9/3/05

 Got Props08 and Potions18 from an update.

 Date: 9/6/05

 Got Emma02 for sending an entry for the HBP Challenge.

 Date: 9/13/05

 Went to Bluegin's b-day party and got Bday04, Pary02, and Favor02.

 Won Harry Snap, 1 Galleon, 2 Sikles, and 1 knut (Pin the Tail on Mrs. Norris)

 Won 1 galleon, Potter03, Brainy15, and Brainy21

 Date: 9/17/05

 Won Tom05 and Alan05 (Piņata)

 Date: 9/18/05

 Got Rogue17 and Brainy06 for leveling up.

 Won Map05 (Trivial 01)

 Won Brainy08 (Flipendo)

 Date: 11/03/05

 Got Brainy17, 09 & 10, and Sorting Hat 05 and 06 from an update.

 Date: 11/05/05

 Won Brainy12, 13, and 18 (Placed 1st in the Half Blood Prince Challenge)

 Date: 11/10/05

 Won Hedwig11 and SS-Art08 (Potions)

 Date: 11/12/05

 Got SortinHat07 and

 Won Gofpromo17, Hero01, Puzzle45, and a sickle.

 Won SortingHat12 and Puzzle46.

 Won SortingHat11, Hogsmead02, and Puzzle47.

 Won SortingHat08, GoFpromo11, and Puzzle48.

 Date: 11/18/05

 Won GoFPromo10 and 19.

 Won Emma12, 2 sickles, and 2 knuts.

 Got GoFPromo14 and Sorting Hat09 from an update.

 Date: 11/22/05

 Got Emma19, Granger12, Hero07, Map07, and Trio20 from the Wishing Well.

 Date: 01/13/06

 Got Sorting Hat 13 & 14, Hero05 & 19, Emma15 & 17, and Brainy22 & 23.

 Date: 01/14/05

 Got Hero09, Winter08, Map15, and Layout03

 Won KB07 and Map10

 Date: 01/22/06

 Won Puzzle49, Hero17, Trio07, and three sickles.

 Won Puzzle50 and GOFPromo06

 Won Puzzle51, Flying07, Hogsmeade04, and Sorting Hat17.

 Won Puzzle52, Emma21, and Granger24.

 Date: 2/3/06

 Won Sorting Hat15

 Date: 2/4/06

 Won Sorting Hat18 and Map18

 Won Granger17

 Won Sorting Hat20

 Date: 2/8/06

 Won Briany24

 Won Emma06 and Fawkes07

 Won map06 and WorldCup12

 Date: 2/16/06

 Got Brainy25 and Sorting Hat19

 Got Celebrate01, B-Day08, Hero13 and 20

 Date: 02/25/06

 Won Granger04

 Won Hedwig09 and Map17

 Won BF14

Date: 3/1/06

 Won Riddle13 and Potter06

 Got Emma10

 Date: 3/4/06

 Got Honeydukes07, Phelps09, and Brave07.

 Won Hero02

 Won Emma22

 Won Albus02 and Ginny09

 Date: 3/13/06

 Got Emma20, 09, 11, and Hedwig18 (Leveling Up Twice)

 Got Layout07 and Emma01

 Won Puzzle53, Fawkes08, GoFPromo08, and 3 sickles

 Won 1 Galleon, WC05, and SS-Art10

 Won Hero12 and Puzzle54

 Won Puzzle55, Hogsmeade05, KB08, and WC18

 Won Daniel22, Hero25, and Puzzle56

 Won GoFPromo15, Map14, 1 Sickle, and 3 Knuts

 Date: 3/26/06

 Got Wood18 from an update

 Won David07, WC04, and 4 knuts

 Date: 3/30/06

 Got Emma16 and 23 from an update.

 Date: 4/16/06

 Got Winter17, Hero16, Emma24, and Celebrate02 from Easter Update.