Wicked Log.
Received my starter pack (
brilliant19 and 20, love10, sweet home10, moony13, learning11, flying13)
Won a Galleon (Astronomy)
Won Brilliant08 and Learning07.
(Forbidden Forest)
Won Rescue12, Posterone18, and four
knuts. (Herbology)
Won Brilliant11. (Transfiguration) Won
Savior04 and Learning01. (Divination)
Won Heir12, Miser14, and hat2.
(Secret Link)
Won Potion03 and Nimbus03. (Library)
Won Closer01 and hat1. (Secret Link2)
Won Stormy16 and Flying04. (Ancient
Found a Hermione Card. (Honeydukes)
Date: 8/12/05
Took Appearance14, Platform01, and
Unhappy17 from an update.
Date: 8/16/05
Got Sweet15, Spoiled20, Marked16, Challenge04, Survivor01,
Essential14, Colossal20, Training20, and Destiny14 from an update.
Freebie: Marked11.
Date: 8/23/05
Won Sweets11 and Essential03
(Ancient Runes)
Won four knuts (Astronomy)
Won Chapter309 (Care of Magical
Won Event06 (Transfiguration)
Won Useful07 and Chapter307 (Department
of International Magical Cooperation)
Date: 8/26/05
Got Destiny18, Event02, Brilliant 05 and 15 for donating master
Date: 8/28/05
Got Brilliant04 and 07 for buying Hufflepuff quiditch robes (1G)
Date: 8/29/05
Got Miser05, International25, Training18, Spoiled01, and
Brilliant12 for leveling up twice.
Date: 8/31/05
Got International05 and 24 from an update.
Date: 9/2/05
Traded my Unhappy17 for Ilse's International01.
Won Moony05 (Herbology)
Won Marked14 (Divination)
Date: 9/7/05
Got Closer04 and 06 and Unreleased17 from the Room of
Placed 2nd in the house cup and won Brilliant13 and 18, Flying06,
and International04.
Date: 9/10/05
Got Literacy19, Chess11, Hidden01 and Sidekick20 from update.
Won Survivor04 (Games and Sports)
Won Courage17 (Library)
Won Two Sickles and a knut (Transfiguration)
Won Brilliant09 and Glacial13 (Forbidden Forest)
Won Chess16, Event10 and three knuts (Hagrid's Hut)
Date: 9/23/05
Got Brilliant01, International10, and Event05 for leveling up.
Got Revealed15 and 18 from an update.
Date: 10/2/05
Got Calendar'0609 and Posterfour303 from an update.
Won Heroic18, and Newbeginning35 (Potions)
Won Posterfour306 and Verit01 (Astronomy)
Won International06 (Dumbledore's Office)
Won Learning18 (Divination)
Date: 10/5/05
Got Bday-mcgonalgal, Bday-tomfenton, Chamber01, Half-Blood01,
Sorcerer01, and ChamberDVD01.
Got Trickery01, Kiss17, and Touched05.
Got interntational26.
Date: 10/7/05
Got Brilliant14, Learing09, and Learning15 for leveling up.
Won Captain18 and DarkArts book (Accidents and Catastrophes)
Date: 10/9/05
Traded my unreleased17, chamber01, essential14, kiss17,
rescue13,sidekick20, and stormy16 for Rachel's brilliant10, glacial17,
heir10/13, heroic16/17, marked13, and newbeginning19.
Got Godfather12 and Caring12 from an update.
Date: 10/19/05
Won Unreleased08 and Chess15 (Ancient Runes)
Won Brilliant06 (Astronomy)
Won Hat07 (Transfiguration)
Won Marked15 (Dumbledore's Office)
Won Cruel08 (Library)
Got Platform02 for participating in the Atrium round 2.
Got International08, Survivor04, and a galleon from the Room of
Got Platform09 (The Lake)
Got Worried01, Posterfour401/501, and Skins19 from an updae.
Won Half-Blood06 and Posterized02 (Hagrid's Hut)
Date: 11/16/05
Got Brilliant16, Learning14, International11, New Beginning05 and
Got Brilliant03 and Brilliant17 since Hufflepuff tied for the
House Cup.
Won Glacial11 and Calender0611 (Ancient Runes)
Won Half-Bood11 (Astronomy)
Won Training08 and Caring19 (Potions)
Date: 11/29/05
Got Brilliant02 and a galleon from the Room of Requirements.
For Leveling Up I got Learning02 and 20, Sidekick09, and
Date: 12/02/05
Got Love19 and Half-Blood11
Got International16
Date: 12/03/05
Got Gift03, Courage10, Chapher310, and MerryXMas02.
Date: 12/06/05
Got MerryXMas03, International02, Unforgivable10, and New
Got MerryXMas04 and New Beginning14
Date: 12/07/05
Got MerryXMas05, Learning17, and International35.
Got MerryXMas05, Gift01, and Challenge15
Date: 12/20/05
Got MerryXMas09, Learning02, and International21.
Got MerryXMas10, Veelas06, and New Beginning23.
Got MerryXMas11, Glacial01, and gift04.
Got MerryXMas12, Fear08 , and Moony05
Got MerryXMas13 and PosterOne19.
Got MerryXMas14, Love02, and Love25
Got MerryXMas15, Revealed33, and Heir02.
Got MerryXMas16, Chamber02, and Half-Blood02.
Got MerryXMas17 and Gift02.
Got MerryXMas18, Gift01, International08, NewBeginning34, and
Got MerryXMas19 and Chocolate07
Got MerryXMas20, International13, and NewBeginning06
Date: 12/26/05
Got MerryXMas21, NewBeginning12 and 21
Got MerryXMas22, PosterFour302, and PosterOne20.
Got MerryXMas23 and Blood02
Date: 3/13/06
Won Closer09
Won Glacial19, Learning16, and Posterfour308
Won Courage11 and Dragons11
Got International34 |