
12 Grimmauld Place

Mystic Cards

TaiInu Youkai


Trading Academy





12 Grimmauld Place

Mystic Cards

TaiInu Youkai


Trading Academy





Quick Links:

 Tanoshii Duel Log

Date: 3/20/06

 Got my starter pack (chance16, Control01, Destiny10, Hero03, Kaiser16, Occult04, and Thunder08)

 Won Strategy17 (Blink)

 Won 2 Star Chips (Database)

 Won Support08 (Detective Sandaa)

 Won Change10 (Who is it?)

 Won Kasier11 and a star chip (Trinket)

 Won Hero08 (Shadow)

 Won Idol05 and Generation12 (Puzzle I)

 Won Spellbound05, Generation15, Cyber05, and Independent04 (Puzzle II)

 Won Destiny20 and Locater03 (Outfit)

 Won a star chip (Hidden Link 1)

 Got Dragon12 and Diceroll10 (Card Graveyard)

 Won Dragon18 (Hidden Link 2)

 Won Locator4 (Water Damage)

 Date: 3/21/06

 Won Death11 (Magical Hats)

 Traded my Hero08 for Idol19 (Trade with Jou)

 Got Kaiser12 and Occult07 for Leveling Up

 Date: 3/22/06

 Got Confidence02 and Puzzle09 (Suggesting a Deck Name)

 Got Checkmate16 and Confidence09 from update

 Won Kaiser05 (Blink)

 Won Dragon04 and Locator5 (Outfit)

 Won Checkmate09 and Card (Database)

 Won Strategy07 (Scrambled 1)

 Won Dragon14 and a starchip (Detective Sandaa)

 Won Spellbound02 (Find Kuribo)

 Date: 3/23/06

 Got Thunder14 for reporting a site error

 Date: 3/25/06

 Traded my Hero03 and Cyber05 for Hakunio's Kaiser18 and 20

 Date: 3/26/06

 Got Tombkeeper18 from an update

 Won a Card (Card Graveyard)

 Won Dragon19 (Hidden Link 1)

 Won Checkmate17 (Who is It?)

 Won Death09 and a starchip (Trinkets)

 Won an Orichalcos (Water Damage)

 Date: 3/27/06

 Got Change04 and Kaiser07 for Donating a Badge Set

 Won Kaiser08 (Lost)

 Won Generation10 and Cyber10 (Puzzle I)

 Date: 3/28/06

 Traded my Independant04 for Meagan's Kaiser17

 Date: 3/29/06

 Won Kaiser19 (Magical Hats)

 Won Pals14 and Confidence06 (Flipped)

 Date: 3/31/06

 Traded my Pals14 and Destiny20 for Jou's Strategy14 and Generation03.

 Date: 4/3/06

 Traded my Control01 for Sinistora's Kaiser04

 Got Kaiser14 from an update

 Won Strategy05

 Won Thunder12 and a card

 Won Kaiser09 and a starchip

 Date: 4/4/06

 Won Virtual15 and Locator1 (Outfit)

 Won a starchip (Hidden Link 2)

 Won Egypt01 (Find Kuriboh)

 Date: 4/5/06

 Won Change09 (Shadow)

 Won Tauk (Water Damage)

 Won Checkmate02 (Who is It)

 Won Dragon13 and card (Trinket)

 Won Change19 (Scrambled 1)

 Won a starchip (Hidden Link 2)

 Date: 4/8/06

 Won Strategy13 and a card (Trivia)

 Got Kaiser13 and Destiny17 (Level Up)

 Won Virtual05 (Magical Hats)

 Date: 4/14/06

 Got Headstrong08 and Atlantis01 from updates

 Won Hero10 (Blink)

 Won a card an a star chip (Database)

 Won Support14 (Detective Sandaa)

 Won Death11 and a star chip (Outfit)

 Date: 4/17/06

 Won Tombkeeper11 (Trinkets)

 Won Change07 (Trivia)

 Won Occult06 (Find Kuriboh)

 Won Sporty04 and Thunder04 (Puzzled I)

 Won Pals02, Sporty09, and Change17 (Puzzled II)

 Traded Atlantis01 and Pals02 for Jou's Strategy05 and Sporty03

 Claimed Idol13

 Traded my Destiny10 & 17, and Death11 for Avenish's Checkmate08 & 15 and Kaiser02

 Date: 4/19/06

 Got Animated07, Devotion06, and 500Cards from an update

 Won Devotion11 (Lost)

 Won a star chip (Shadow)

 Won Chance17 (Water Damage)

 Won Thunder15 (Who is it?)

 Won a star chip (Hidden Links 1)

 Date: 4/24/06

 Won Prix15 (Blink)

 Won 2 cards (Database)

 Won Dragon03 (Detective Sandaa)

 Won Adoration18 (Outfit)

 Date: 4/25/06

 Won Inspiration11 (Magical Hats)

 Won Idol03 (Scrambled 1)

 Won Teamwork02 and Change09 (Teamwork Contest)

 Claimed Thunder16

 Traded my member card and Hero10 for Kagami's member card and Strategy11

 Date: 4/27/06

 Traded my member card, Cyber10, and Confidence02, 06, and 09 for Hakunio's member card, Strategy02, and Thunder02, 03, and 18

 Date: 4/28/06

 Won a star chip (Lost)

 Won Change02 (Water Damage)

 Won Idol02 (Trinkets)

 Won Inspriation02 (Shadows)

 Date: 5/6/06

 Won Spellbound07 and Checkmate14 (Puzzle I)

 Won Sporty10 & 11 and Dragon07 (Puzzle II)

 Date: 5/7/06

 Won Idol01 (Who is it?)
 Got Prima03 from update.

 Date: 5/10/06

 Won a card and a starchip (Blink)

 Won Dragon06 (Outfit)

 Won Inspiration20 (Detective Sandaa)

 Date: 5/13/06

 Won a starchip (who is it?)

 Won Dragon20 (Water Damage)

 Won Change11 (Shadow)

 Won Devotion08 (Trinkets)

 Won Prima04 (Trivia)

 Date: 5/15/06

 Won Teamwork03 and Devotion20

 Date: 5/19/06

 Won Sporty02 and Change15 (Puzzle I)

 Won Apocalypse05, Spellbound01, and Checkmate19 (Puzzle II)

 Won Change16 (Blink)

 Won Thunder01 (Database)

 Won Confedence06 (Detective Sandaa)

 Won Destiny17, Thunder10, a starchip, and a card (Outfit)

 Date: 5/23/06

 Got Justice08 and 20 from an update

 Date: 5/24/06

 Traded my member card, Tombkeeper11 and 18 for Sinistora's Dragon15, Prix10, and member card

 Won Prima01

 Won a starchip

 Won a card

 Won Idol09

 Date: 6/30/06

 Won Confidence18

 Won Atlantis05

 Won Change14

 Won Memories29

 Won Confidence20

 Won Kingdom11

 Won Justice17

 Date: 7/2/06

 Won Occult11

 Won Generation12 and Virtual01

 Won Apocalyps07, Spellbound06, and Tombkeeper18

 Date: 7/4/06

 Won Confidence11

 Date: 7/6/06

 Won a starchip and a card

 Won Dragon11

 Won Memories15

 Won Change06 and Thunder19

 Date: 7/7/06

 Won Dragon08

 Won Inspiration18

 Won Thunder11

 Won Prix20

 Won Locator5 and a starchip

 Date: 7/11/06

 Won Generation06 and Legendary16

 Won Apocalypse06, Pals07, and Egypt03

 Won Memories31

 Won Checkmate01

 Won Idol12

 Date: 7/13/06

 Traded my Devotion08 for MarieAmethyst's Thunder06

 Date: 7/14/06

 Won Inspiration14

 Won Devotion16

 Won a starchip

 Won a starchip and Chekcmate12

 Won Chekcmate03

 Won Prima12

 Won Idol15

 Date: 7/15/06

 Traded my Memories31 for Trevor's Dragon10

 Date: 7/19/06

 Won Idol18

 Won an Orichalcos and a starchip

 Won Kingdom16

 Won Memories10

 Won Strategy15

 Won Rod and a starchip

 Date: 7/20/06

 Traded my Headstrong08 and 20 for Kagami's Devotion04 and 14

 Date: 7/26/06

 Won Legendary18

 Won Inspiriation07

 Won Voice07

 Won Devotion19

 Date: 7/28/06

 Won Sporty15 and Memories11

 Won Sporty05, 06, and Independant15

 Date: 7/29/06

 Won Devotion17 and a starchip

 Date: 7/30/06

 Traded my Pals07 and Checkmate19 double for Taishya's Thunder13, Prix06, and Voice05

 Date: 8/06/06

 Won Inspiration10

 Won Prima05

 Won Change18

 Date: 8/08/06

 Traded my Puzzle09 and member card for Stacy's Change12 and member card

 Date: 8/11/06

 Won Kingdom18 and a card

 Won Change20, Memories13, and a starchip

 Won Puzzle14

 Won Occult03

 Date: 8/16/06

 Won Idol11 and Teddy07

 Won Voice20 and a starchip 

 Won Occult20

 won Legendary14 and a starchip

 Won Change14 and a starchip

 Won Prima20 and a card

 Won hallelujah16

 Won Memories30

 Won Occult13

 Date: 8/22/06

 Won Spellbound09 and Egypt10

 Won Summer, Apocalypse12, Generation05, and Headstrong02

 Won Justice05

 Date: 8/28/06

 Won Shuffle13

 Won Memories28 and a starchip

 Won  Overlap03

 Date: 9/5/06

 Won Idol04 and a card

 Won Checkmate18, locator2, and Rod

 Won Overlap02

 Won Prima19

 Won Prix01

 Won Memories31

 Date: 9/14/06

 Won Prima06

 Won Memories16 and a card

 Won Overlap19 and a starchip

 Won Fairytale03